Tami Chayu, Registered Nurse
Private Home Health Care
Health nursing details
To patients with various conditions
To women undergoing fertility treatments
Often, I teach patients to self-inject
Infusion Lines
Setting up subcutaneous infusions
ssels are accessibleAdministering medication by intravenous injection (or infusion) when blood ve
Administering TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) intravenously
Preparing medication for the required period of time
Checking the doses prescribed and comparing with the written prescriptions and physician’s instructions
Training the patient and their family
Wound Care
Dressing and bandaging
Removing stitches
Digestive Tract
Oral care
Enteral feeding (Kangaroo pump)
Colostomy care
Administering enemas
Urinary Tract
Catheterization and bladder washout
Nephrostomy care
Applying eye drops
Changing dressings
I administer all these treatments and many more as needed, in the comfort and security of the patient’s home.
Kupat Holim: Getting Through the Maze
Though Israel’s healthcare system is great, sometimes simply learning where to call for what, can be confusing and frustrating, especially for non-Hebrew speakers.
I know what one should or should not expect in terms of the Kupat Holim the patient belongs to. This could mean coverage of physical therapy, a visit from a nurse at home, to name just a few, and I can help by explaining about the necessary paperwork and procedures to get the job done smoothly.
Patient Counseling and Support
In their current state, patients feel anxiety about the present and an uncertain future. Being hospitalized can be a tough experience. All caregivers—partners, close family members, loving relatives or hired personnel, together with the patient themselves—must be well aware of the condition, its treatment, the therapy involved, and why a specific course of action has been recommended. Beyond explaining and clarifying, I provide guidance according to the written and verbal instructions everyone has received. All this new information may be confusing, stressful, and difficult to grasp and accept.
Therefore, my conversations with them are tailored to each person’s prior knowledge and ability to understand.
Pictures Galery
As a Nurse I will esplain you about your medications | Take Care from Contamination | Helping You as a Home Care Nurse | I am an Experienced Nurse with Physician Protocols |
Being With: as A Nurse | Need me as a Nurse at Them's Home |